fish pie

Ingredients :

Empire Pastry Butter Puff Sheet, defrosted

8 Prawns, defrosted

100g White Fish Fillet, such as Flathead, Rankin Cod or Snapper

200g Trout (or salmon)

1 Carrot, roughly chopped

1 Shallot, roughly chopped

60g Unsalted Butter

60g Plain Flour

500ml Milk

2 Eggs, hard boiled, roughly chopped

Bay Leaf

Handful mixed herbs (dill, parsley)

Salt and Pepper to season

1 egg, beaten

Method :

Step 1: Pre-heat oven to 180°C.

Step 2: Place shallot, carrot, bay leaf, fish fillets and milk in a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer on low for 6 minutes. Remove fish and set aside, strain cooking milk into a jug, discarding the solids.

Step 3: Flake fish into large chunks, careful to remove any bones, add to chopped prawns and egg. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 4: Melt butter in a saucepan with flour and cook for 2-3mins. Add reserved milk, stirring constantly until sauce thickens. Simmer for 5 minutes, add mixed herbs, season.

Step 5: Place fish, prawns and egg into a pie dish and pour over sauce, then cool.

Step 6: Once mix is cool, top with the puff pastry, making a small whole in the middle, brush all over with the beaten egg,

Step 7: Bake in the oven for 15mins, then reduce to 160°C and bake for a further 20mins until the pastry is golden and cooked through.


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